2024 Budget Hearings

The City of Riley will hold its annual budget hearings as required by law on Tuesday, August 22nd at 7 pm.

The City will begin with the Revenue Neutral Rate (RNR) hearing, to be followed by the regular fiscal year budget hearing immediately after.

These hearings are open to the public and anyone wishing to make public comments and speak at this time will be allowed.

Per the July 11th 2023 Regular City Council Meeting discussion on setting these hearing dates, the council was also required to notify the County Clark of the mill levy it intends to set for the 2024 budget year, which can be in excess of the RNR if a RNR hearing is held. Once the County Clerk is notified of this rate, the City may not exceed this rate at its regular budget hearing, but can decrease this rate to whatever mill rate below that, it so chooses. The City of Riley has notified the County Clark it intends to keep its mill levy for the 2024 Budget year flat, as it has done the past 2 years. This rate is currently 49.960 mills.

For the 2024 Budget Year, the Riley County Clerk has calculated the Revenue Neutral Rate for the City of Riley to be:  45.304 mills.

The final decision on this rate will be made at this regular budget hearing.

To learn a bit more about this process please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page and look under the subject "How does the city budget process work?"

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