The city meter technology is able to detect household leaks (water running through the meter continuously for a 24 hour period) when the meters are read. The city will notify residences of any leaks detected at that time. Individual water usage reports are available upon request.
Information on water quality in the City of Riley can be found in the annual Consumer Confidence Report provided by the Kansas Rural Water Association. Click here for a PDF version of the CCR for 2023 calendar year or find the report online at the Kansas Rural Water Association website. Hard copies are available at Riley City Hall, 222. S. Broadway, Riley, KS 66531, (785) 485-2802.
Saving water has many benefits; it can help save energy, help the environment and save money. This means that not only can you help ensure there will be more water available in the future but you can also save money through lower utility bills. This can be as simple as turning off the faucet while you shave or brush your teeth, install water saving devices such as low flow aerators and water conserving toilets, dishwashers and washing machines. For more tips you can follow the EPA Water Conservation link below.
222 S. Broadway
P.O. Box 314
Riley, KS 66531