The City of Riley is participating in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The NFIP is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to provide home owners, renters and businesses in participating community’s access to affordable, federally backed Flood insurance.

As part of our participation in the National Flood Insurance Program, the city has adopted a floodplain management ordinance to reduce future flood risks to new construction in the Special Flood Hazard areas (SFHAs). The benefit of this program, for those in the Floodplain, may be access to federally backed flood insurance or reduced costs of their insurance.

The goal of this program is not only to provide access to flood insurance, but to educate the public about the dangers of flooding to reduce the risk of loss of life and damage to property. To accomplish this goal, the city is making multiple forms of information available to the public. There will be notices placed on the city’s webpage regarding flood safety throughout the year; FEMA publications on flood management are available at the library, Links for flood safety and management are here on the city’s webpage. The city's downloadable Flood Map and Floodplain Management Ordinance and Flood Hazard Area Map links are below.

Flood Safety

There are 7 types of flooding; Flash Flooding, River Flooding, Burn Scar/Debris Flows, Snowmelt, Dry Wash and Dam/Levee Failures.

Many of these types of flooding may occur quite rapidly and without warning. Flash Flooding may occur in dry areas away from and up to 6 hours after the causative event (i.e., sudden downpour, Dam Failure, Ice Jam). This and other types of flooding may rapidly inundate areas with fast moving water which is particularly dangerous. It only takes 6 inches of water to knock a person off their feet and carry them away. That amount of water can reach the bottom of most cars causing loss of control. A foot of fast moving water may carry away most vehicles. There are many dangers that can be hidden by flood waters such as sharp objects, washed out culverts and roads, electric wires and other debris.

This is why it is most important not to enter flood waters either on foot or by car and heed the warning “Turn Around, Don’t Drown.” More people are killed by flood waters than all other types of severe weather. Remain aware of weather conditions by listening to local tv and radio stations along with NOAA weather radio stations. Evacuate immediately when water starts to rise, don’t wait until it is too late. After a flood wait until the area is cleared by emergency services before entering the area or structures. Flooding can cause floors and walls to be weakened and may collapse. Also remain clear of areas with electrical wires until after the area is cleared by the local utility company. For your property, consider checking with your insurance agent to see whether you are in need of flood insurance.

Riley is participating in FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program and those that are in a flood hazard area may be eligible for access to flood insurance at slightly reduced rate. Check the following links for more information on flooding. 

222 S. Broadway
P.O. Box 314
Riley, KS 66531

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