City Clerk

The City Clerk is without a doubt one of the most important positions in the City Of Riley.  Almost every interaction between residents and your city government go through the clerk’s office.  Our city clerk works under the direct oversight of the City Council.

Based right in City Hall, the clerk’s responsibilities are vast but here are just a few highlights:

  • Attend regular & special City Council meetings; preparation of agendas, packets, minutes, ordinances, resolutions and other records of the City Council.

  • Preparation and responsible for City budget and all financial & legal aspects of the City budget.

  • Maintains personnel records & responsible for Payroll, including all Federal, State, KPERS withholdings and reports.

  • Ensures that directives and approved operational policies of the City are enforced, executed or delegated for compliance.

  • Process utility billing, payments, penalties, balance adjustments, deposits, all other utility billing Software functions as needed.

  • Dealing directly with the public on a variety of issues.

  • Represent the City at community events and serve as liaison on community committees.

  • Preparation of Accounts Payable and distribution of warrants.

  • Issues and maintains records of various permits and licenses as approved by the City Council.

  • Attend workshops, seminars and conferences as approved to further develop knowledge, skills and abilities in order to maintain, enhance or achieve certifications.

Contact Info

Riley City Hall

  • 222 South Broadway Street, Riley, KS, USA


Tami Killham
Code Enforcement Officer


7:00 am - 4:30 pm
7:00 am - 4:30 pm
7:00 am - 4:30 pm
7:00 am - 4:30 pm
7:00 am - 11:00 am


222 S. Broadway
P.O. Box 314
Riley, KS 66531

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. City Of Riley. All Rights Reserved.