Riley County Business Hours Survey

Recently the City of Riley changed it’s operating hours slightly to provide better accommodations for our residents.  Now the county itself is also looking at making a change to it’s hours.

The Riley County Commission is currently looking into the possibility of changing their business hours for some or all of the Riley County offices such as the County Clerk, Treasurer, etc.  No decision has been made at this point and they are seeking public input.  They would like the public to take a short two question survey and they also have an inter-departmental survey for employees being distributed as well.

The proposed change would likely be moving to 4 days of 10 hours open rather than the current 5 days of 8 hours.  Offices would be closed on Fridays and Monday through Thursday would be open from 7am to 6 pm.  If you would like to have a say in this you can either visit the county webpage  or go directly to the survey here.  Take the Survey

The last day to take the survey is Friday June 30th at 5:00 pm.

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